Textiles | Free Family Funday | September 2023

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For the month of September, we will be creating woven circles inspired by the flatworks of Anila Quayyum Agha! Agha makes works that are made of embroidered paper, a very delicate and difficult process. These embroidered works are inspired sewing circle, or places where women would come together and sew. Often, sewing and embroidery are considered a lesser form of art. By making her flatworks embroidered and beaded, Agha is establishing that she, and women like her mother, create beautiful, meaningful pieces of art! This month we will be creating artworks with similar ideas.


Cardboard or Paper Plate

Using you scissors, cut 10 half-inchcuts into the outer edge of yourcardboard circle or plate.
On the backside, tape yarn into themiddle of your circle and startwrapping your yarn around, holding itin place with the notches.
Tape the end of your string down onthe same side.
With a new string, tie it to center ofwhere the first string crosses.
Start weaving it over and under thestrings, going in a circle.
Add beads as you go!
To add more string, simply tie it to the end of the last string.



  • Sunday, September 10, 2023 | 12:00 PM - 04:30 PM
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