DIY Skecthbook | Free Family Funday | November 2024

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This month, we are making our own sketchbooks and finding inspiration around us in order to fill them with drawings! Sally Michel traveled with her sketchbooks, as they were a great, portable way to quickly sketch the outlines and ideas she saw so that she could go back to her studio at home and make complete paintings! We encourage you to go outside or visit new places and bring your sketchbook with you to create sketches of what you see! The drawings don’t have to be perfect, think of it as practice! If you sketch something you like, you can even turn it into a full painting just like Sally Michel!

Materials Needed:
A piece of white paper
Graphite and/or charcoal
drawing pencils
Optional: pens, markers,
crayons, colored pencils,
watercolors etc.

Project Steps:
1. Fold a large piece of paper in half three times
2. Unfold the sheet to see each page
3. Fold it in half once more, hamburger style, and cut a line at the middle pane, but do not go all the way across.
4. Unfold the sheet again and fold hot dog style.
5. Push the two edges of the sheet together until you create an X shape with the paper.
6. Finally, fold that X into a book shape.
7. Optional: Decorate the front and back of the sketchbook to make each a unique keepsake!

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  • Sunday, November 10, 2024 | 12:00 PM - 04:30 PM
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