Next date: Thursday, February 13, 2025 | 10:30 AM to 04:30 PM
This exhibition examines the rich and vibrant legacy of Central Florida’s arts and higher education through contemplating the work of three foundational figures – artists who have had a profound impact on the Central Florida art scene and have inspired generations of students. Through their extraordinary practices and decades of teaching, Mernet Larsen, Steve Lotz, and Bruce Marsh depict natural worlds both organically and geometrically, which implore viewers to analyze how they view the world through lenses of abstraction, symbolism, and perception. Mernet Larsen depicts monumentalized memories of geometric figures, landscapes, and objects compacted into perspectival, non-organic configurations. Steve Lotz is a self-described Organic Imaginative artist whose paintings represent the visual symbology of his unconscious self. Bruce Marsh is a naturalistic painter interested in the drama of seeing through light and shadow in both natural and manmade landscapes. Together, these artists represent an era of pioneering mentorship and an artistic practice that endures. The three artists have cultivated remarkable styles, which depict the world around them and demonstrate a deep, almost sacred, appreciation for nature, humanity, and our connections therein. While their approaches and subject matters diverge from one another yielding three singular presentations, their devotion to showing us and their students a new way of viewing is significant and unparalleled.
Mennello Museum of American Art, 900 E. Princeton Street, Orlando, FL, 32803, View Map
900 E. Princeton Street , Orlando, FL 32803
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